This website has been developed to showcase the projects I have completed over the past few years.

I have worked on the technology side of publishing for over 5 years. It has given me some great experience allowing me to learn the fundamentals of support, management, design and development. The most enjoyable aspects of my previous jobs have always involved problem solving. If you want to be fully immersed in problem solving then there isn’t many more challenging jobs out there than being a developer. I am by no means close to being worthy of that job title yet but over the past year I have really focused on learning all the skills I need to become one in the future.

Why the name Project Responsive? In the past I was very focused on making responsive websites but now this is a given in any aspect of development or web design. My ultimate goal is to produce an original concept or idea, building it from start to finish and making it accessible to everyone. So for now I am going to stick with the name.

If I learn anything new and exciting I am going to try and post the information to my blog. I do have other interests other than development so there might be a few posts about learning Spanish, football, running and computer games.